Request An Appointment at Oceanside Physical Therapy
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What type of service are you requesting?
Please Select One Option
Pelvic Floor Therapy
Orthopedic Physical Therapy (hip/knees/back/shoulders, etc)
Wellness and Coaching (health coaching, fertility, visceral, dry needling, etc)
Strength Training at The Tide
Healthy Mama (pregnancy and postpartum support)
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Describe your concern and what you hope to achieve with therapy. Let us know if you have been referred by a physician with specific recommendations
Let us know what type of appointment you are requesting
Please Select One Option
30 Min Discovery Session - learn about the options for working together
60 Min Initial Evaluation - get started with a plan of care
Strength Assessment at The Tide
Health Mama Session
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What are the best days to schedule appointments
Select Multiple if preferred
Earliest Available
No Preference
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Are you interested in any of our other services?
Please Select One Option
Yes, I'm interested in something else
No, nothing else at the moment
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List additional services you're interested in and any questions
How did you hear about us?
Please Select One Option
My Provider Referred Me
Google / Facebook
Word of Mouth
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